The Seven Seas 2009: The Sailor's Calendar
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The Seven Seas—North America's #1-selling sailing calendar, now in its twenty-fourth year—takes you on twelve unforgettable voyages. Bask in serene waters from the Marquesas to Tahiti and feel the glow of a sunset after a glorious day at sea. Experience the morning mist of Celtic's Killary Harbour, gaze at majestic cliffs sailing in the Tasmanian Sea, and feel the invigorating power of the ocean. This calendar is of the highest-quality printing—ideal for framing.

Calendar: 12 pages

Publisher: Albatross; Wal edition (September 17, 2008)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0920256570

ISBN-13: 978-0920256572

Product Dimensions: 1.1 x 1.5 inches

Shipping Weight: 12 ounces

Average Customer Review: 4.6 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (10 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #3,841,976 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #80 in Books > Calendars > Boats & Ships #3475 in Books > Sports & Outdoors > Outdoor Recreation > Sailing #5701 in Books > Engineering & Transportation > Transportation > Ships

These calendars have beautiful pictures of sailboats in exotic locations and on the page where the calendar grid is there is a nautical chart visible behind the grid. Apparently "sailing people" are very fond of charts and since my husband grew up on a sailboat he just loves these calendars both for the sailboat pictures and for the charts.I have purchased one of these calendars every year for my husband for man years now. When the 2009 calendar arrived, however, he looked at it and told me that I don't need to buy them any more. Apparently he noticed that several of the pictures are ones that have already appeared in previous years' calendars. Since he mainly likes this particular brand because of the pictures, there is no point in continuing to buy it if they're going to repeat the pictures.I definitely give this 5 stars because of the charts and the pictures. Unless you already have many previous years of these calendars stored away I highly recommend it for anybody who likes sailing.

The calendar is just as nice as ever, however, I have been buying this calendar for 6-7 years now and have noticed they are repeating pictures from one year to the next. Why? Lets see some more diversity please.

I have had the world on my wall for the past 8 years or so, in the form of the Seven Seas Sailor's Calendar. The photos of Ferenc Mate are masterpieces to anyone who's blood runs salty with visions of sailing or cruising those seas. I can stare at a lovely little ketch drifting into a cove lined with white sand, and feel the warm breeze in my hair. Or, I can help man-handle an 80 year old schooner thought the slot into Pulpit Harbor on Maine's Penobscot Bay, with a fog bank chasing us. I guarantee there are places there for you to go, too ! And,'s a wonderful calendar ! Bring your dreams and come aboard !

Calender comes as advertised, speedy and conplete. Large spaces for each date, use it to mark special dates, doctors appointments and when to go to special events. I love to see the pictures of the beautiful boats and the exotic locations, as this was my plan prior to having a stroke.

Exceptional colored photography enhances the picture of various types of sailboats in scenic parts of the world. The background of the monthly calendar depicts an ancient map of the area in which the boat is located and includes a descriptive verse.

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