Amazing You: Getting Smart About Your Private Parts
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"Mom, where do babies come from?”Many parents live in fear of the day their child asks that question—which inevitably happens, often as early as the preschool years. Here is a picture book designed especially for young children who are becoming sexually aware but aren't ready to learn about sexual intercourse. Written with warmth and honesty, Amazing You! presents clear and age-appropriate information about reproduction, birth, and the difference between girls' and boys' bodies. Lynne Cravath's whimsical illustrations enliven the text, making this a book that parents will gladly share with their young ones.

Hardcover: 32 pages

Publisher: Dutton Books for Young Readers; 1st edition (May 5, 2005)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0525473890

ISBN-13: 978-0525473893

Product Dimensions: 9.4 x 0.4 x 11.4 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.6 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.0 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (247 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #58,138 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #20 in Books > Children's Books > Early Learning > Basic Concepts > Body #22 in Books > Children's Books > Growing Up & Facts of Life > Health > Maturing #65 in Books > Children's Books > Education & Reference > Science Studies > Anatomy & Physiology

Age Range: 3 - 7 years

Grade Level: Preschool - 2

We bought this to help explain anatomy and baby-making basics to our 3-year-old, who has recently become extremely inquisitive on the topic. It is a very detailed introduction to male and female anatomy; although it is aimed at small children, it is entirely unapologetic in its honest graphic depictions of its topic. I think it is a tasteful introduction to body differences and to the basics of reproductive development and where babies come from. However, the book is not for everyone, and whether you find it helpful will depend on your particular values, your comfort levels with certain images, and whether you think your child is ready to discuss certain ideas.Spoiler alert. ;) Some details that might help you decide whether this book is for you:- The book is not narrative-based, but rather a step-by-step discussion of various aspects of anatomy, development, and how babies come to be.- The cover children are white Europeans and many of the inside illustrations follow suit. That said, the authors did include other races in the book. THAT said, the example family in the make-a-baby scenario is white.- The unstated assumption throughout the book is that people who are making a baby are a race-matched man and woman who love each other. If your family is mixed race, if you are a single parent, if you are two Moms who had a baby, if you adopted a baby made by someone else, etc... your family is not overtly depicted. That's not to say this book is useless to you, but of course more discussion is needed beyond the scenarios depicted here, and other books might do a better job in terms of having your kid identify with the illustrations.

I have two daughters, 3 ½ and 4 ½ yrs. old. My older daughter wanted to know what "the parts that I can't see are". This placed me in a slightly uncomfortable position because it brought up the fact that I have absolutely no parent training in this department. Growing up in an extremely conservative environment, I was raised not to even admit there were private parts. To be honest, I think that the area was considered more of a void. Since my mother was a Science teacher, we had all of our other body parts just no privates to "speak" of.So I set out to find a book that would be age appropriate, would not treat the subject as if their private parts as if there might be something dirty about it, would still give my daughters the understanding that there is something private/special about the parts that they own, and have my daughters understand that ultimately the parts have the special ability to create life. Honestly, I thought that this may be too much to want from a book that I intended to read to little people. Well, I got lucky. I happened to be listening to the radio when Gail Saltz was being interviewed. During the interview, she was explaining that she is working on a series of books to help in the arena of the subject of private parts and the body. She went on to explain that the first book, Amazing Parts, was available and was intended just for preschoolers. I looked it up on and decided to buy it because she did not seem like a weirdo and the book sounded like it could be decent.The book came and I sat down with both girls. I read through the book with them and went through the illustrations. Since my 4 ½ year old is in the "babies are so cute" stage, she really enjoyed knowing that the parts are responsible for making babies.

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