Polar Bear, Polar Bear What Do You Hear? Sound Book
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A new edition of this all-time favorite children's tale to delight children and parents alike. Bill Martin's playful story introduces a parade of rowdy zoo animals, all illustrated in Eric Carle's instantly recognisable, clean, crisp style. A perfect addition to this fun, noisy tale is a ten button sound panel. As each new animal appears on the bright, colorful pages, children will love to find, then press the right button to hear the noises that the braying zebra, roaring lion, fluting flamingo and other amazing animals make.

Board book: 24 pages

Publisher: Priddy Books; Ina Nov Br edition (November 8, 2011)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 9780312513467

ISBN-13: 978-0312513467

ASIN: 0312513461

Product Dimensions: 10 x 0.8 x 9.4 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.4 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (198 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #2,532 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #7 in Books > Children's Books > Animals > Zoos #8 in Books > Children's Books > Early Learning > Basic Concepts > Sounds #23 in Books > Children's Books > Animals > Bears

Age Range: 1 - 5 years

Grade Level: Preschool - Kindergarten

I want to say this is the most educational long story. It isn't. But it is entertaining for my little girl. She was so attached to the book without the sounds she had me read it to her every night before bed.When I saw that this was coming out, I had to get it for her. She LOVES the animal sounds to go with the book, it makes her laugh to hear the Peacock.Only one small complaint: There is no Polar Bear noise. At the beginning of the story it isn't needed which is probably why it was left out. But on the last page they mention the polar bear noise it is the one noise that isn't included.

My child loves all Eric Carle books so I thought she would love this one. She does like looking at the animals in the book but the animal noises are terrible. They sound muffled and just odd. She doesn't even push the animal noise buttons because they do not sound like real animals.

I gave this book to our grandson (twenty-two months) this afternoon and he was fully occupied with it for a long time. This is just the thing to keep a young child interested, as the colorful drawings and the animal sounds will appeal to nearly any child of this age. I read a couple of complaints about the sound quality, but it is an inexpensive book, and all it really needs to do is to sound vaguely like the animal in the illustration and everyone is happy. If this was a $50 book I might expect more, but anything which is meant to be hauled around by a little one needs to have sounds and colors to please them and durability to please me. Kirk had one-half hour of non-stop button pushing as soon as he got it, so don't put it bed with them if you expect them to sleep.

My 9-month old LOVES this book! It's my "when all else fails" entertainment I use when he needs to be settled down. It has pulled us through tough times at the doctor's office and on long trips.My baby enjoys the simplistic, yet textural illustrations as well as the strange sounds the animals make. I confess, I bought a barnyard book before this one, thinking my baby would like cow and chicken sounds better than whatever sound a hippo makes, but for him there is no comparison. He really likes all the funky sounds in this book.Pros- durable pages- holds my baby's interest- sounds go in order with book (my barnyard book was all over the place with the sound line up)Cons- some reviewers have complained about battery problems, so check your book as soon as you get it so you will have time to send it back if there is an issue- no polar bear sound, which would be nice for the end of the story. I invent my own for the children in the end of the story. Come to think of it though, my son may view this as a PRO since it encourages a little bit of silliness on my part.I highly recommend this book!

My son pretty much picked this book out while I was shopping at the store with the red & white bullseye logo recently. He pointed at it and started making noises so I had to oblige his curiousity. He LOVES pressing the buttons, looking at the pictures, and hearing the story over and over again. The quality of the book is outstanding and frankly if my son loves it, I'm a fan too!

We love this book, my young children(3,2,1) all love it and TRY to take turns pushing them ;-)They love the repetitive sounds of the writing, the funny sounds each of the animals make and the fact that it's all about animals.HOWEVER the title of the book is POLAR BEAR POLAR BEAR, so why is there no polar bear button? I know this may be a minor issue, when my 3yr old asks this question, it makes you wonder why the publishers didn't think of it.Overall a good book with great, bright Eric Carle illustrations, would be 5-stars if there was a polar bear button :-)

Overall my baby seems to enjoy this book and most of the animal sounds are okay...not totally accurate but acceptable. However, I'm not sure if ours is defective but the boa constrictor actually growls like a tiger or lion or something. It's really not even remotely close to the hissing sound mentioned in the book. Not that boa constrictors typically hiss even, but at least it should sound like a hiss and not a loud growl.

I love this classic book...and my son LOVES the ONE other sound book we have. So, I thought, "why not buy a classic with some sound?"....also I like the idea of pushing buttons for early fine motor development. He seems to love it (He's 8 months.) The sound isn't as crisp as other sound books, but I'll deal because he doesn't seem to mind. I do, however, LOVE the little whistle noise that the zookeeper makes. I let my little 3-year-old neighbor take it home tonight ...she wanted to borrow it for bedtime...so kids definitely like it!

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