Pyramid Fractions - Fraction Basics Math Workbook: Least Common Denominator, Greatest Common Factor, Improper, Mixed, Reducing, Comparing & Reciprocals
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This colorful math book introduces a novel visual method for students to master their basic fraction skills. The creative design helps to engage student interest, while the visual layout ties into one of the current pedagogical drives in education – namely, to use visual strategies since research has shown them to be effective learning tools. These visual problems also help to develop visual skills. This volume focuses on basic fraction skills, including: • Converting between mixed numbers and improper fractions. • Finding the reciprocal of an improper fraction. • Determining the greatest common factor for two fractions. • Reducing fractions by cancelling the greatest common factor. • Determining the least common denominator for two fractions. • Comparing fractions by finding the least common denominator. • Adding and subtracting fractions. • Multiplying and dividing fractions. The back of the book features a table of answers to help students check that they are practicing correct techniques (or it may serve as a grading key for teachers or parents). The book begins with a concise explanation of the concepts with some examples to serve as a guide. The first page of each section includes annotated instructions that explain how to solve the problems. Studying these examples and checking the answers to the first page of each part will help students become confident that they understand what to do. The interior is printed in full color with aesthetic visual patterns. The 8” x 10” pages are nearly the same size as standard school papers that students are used to working with. Each problem includes its own dedicated workspace. The workspaces encourage students to show their work, and the symmetrical structure of the workspaces shows students how to organize their work in neat columns. The copyright notice permits parents/teachers who purchase one copy to make photocopies for their own children/students only. This is very convenient if you have multiple children/students or if a child/student needs additional practice. Teachers may also wish to display these colorful problems using a projective camera or a transparency overhead projector.

Paperback: 46 pages

Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (January 7, 2011)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1456529978

ISBN-13: 978-1456529970

Product Dimensions: 8 x 0.1 x 10 inches

Shipping Weight: 5.4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

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Best Sellers Rank: #1,149,443 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #106 in Books > Children's Books > Education & Reference > Math > Fractions #21264 in Books > Science & Math > Mathematics

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