Algebra, Grades 5 - 8 (The 100+ Series(TM))
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A top-selling teacher resource line, The 100+ Series(TM) features over 100 reproducible activities in each book!Algebra links all the activities to the NCTM Standards and provides students with practice in the skill areas necessary to master the concepts presented in a first course in algebra. Reinforcing operations skills plus activities that focus on order of operations, solving equations, dealing with inequalities, monomials, binomials and polynomials, factoring, plotting coordinates, graphing, and exercises involving radicals are all part of this book. Examples of solution methods are presented at the top of each page and puzzles and riddles gauge the success of skills learned. The numbers of the related standards for each activity can be found in the table of contents. An answer key is also provided.

Series: The 100+ Series(TM)

Paperback: 128 pages

Publisher: Instructional Fair (April 17, 2003)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0742417883

ISBN-13: 978-0742417885

Product Dimensions: 8.4 x 0.4 x 10.9 inches

Shipping Weight: 11.2 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 3.5 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (14 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #413,596 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #63 in Books > Children's Books > Education & Reference > Math > Algebra

Age Range: 10 - 14 years

Grade Level: 5 - 8

This is an Algebra workbook, pure and simple.PROs: Answers are listed in the back. Each page has one to three sample problems worked out at the top of the page. The pages build on each other, so no skipping around for the most part. They cover a large variety of algebra topics. There are ample problems to be worked on each page which appealed to me since most workbooks have too much dialog and not enough problems.CONs: This is NOT - in my opinion - a book for 5th-8th graders unless they are only referring to the first 14 pages or so. I use it with 1st year Algebra students (8th-9th). There are mistakes in the answer sections - not many considering the overall number of problems present. There isn't really enough room to work problems on the page after page 13 or so - that's not really a negative to me since I prefer students to work the problems on loose leaf paper.All in all, I think it is a good workbook - especially for the price - to be used as an adjunct to supply additional problems or as a stand-alone. But, beware, you'll need to be able to recall some algebra since the sample problems don't supply every step. (It's still possible to figure out, but you can't be afraid of it!)

It is a reasonably priced, mediocre text for the basics of algebra but there are mistakes in the answer key, beware. If you are at a loss in this subject, and need to teach a child the material, I do not suggest this book. They only have a few examples before each new lesson, so you must have some background or other teaching material to accompany this.

I bought this book after using the Algebra 2 book by the same publisher. Both books are not actually instruction books but workbooks, with each page having an example or two of a computation and then between 5 and 10 or so exercises, with space on the page to do the work. The type is large and friendly, and the exercise answers are all in the back of the book, making it excellent for homeschoolers. The only problem with both of the books is there are a few typos, which could be a problematical for a student without someone to help clear the confusion.

As a review of algebra, this might be an acceptable practice book. However, there are several errors in the example problems throughout the book, and the answer key has numerous errors, sometimes multiple errors on one page. I would not recommend this book except possibly as extra practice or review of material already learned. The publisher needs to reprint it with corrections, though.

I purchased the book to supplement my 5th grade curriculum. Majority of the book is too advanced for my class. A few logic puzzles and a couple pages with expressions are appropriate.

If you are teaching your child, you will need to recall the algebra terminology as this book does not provide that... only a few problems to practice on each section....

The negative signs on the numbers are way too small. I'm having to go through the book and enlarge all the negative signs so we don't miss them.

I felt this book tried to cover too many grades. It would likely work well as a review book between 8th and 9th grade but not a good book for middle schoolers who haven't covered all the concepts.

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