Who Was Helen Keller?
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At age two, Helen Keller became deaf and blind. She lived in a world of silence and darkness and she spent the rest of her life struggling to break through it. But with the help of teacher Annie Sullivan, Helen learned to read, write, and do many amazing things. This inspiring illustrated biography is perfect for young middle-grade readers. Black-and-white line drawings throughout, sidebars on related topics such as Louis Braille, a timeline, and a bibliography enhance readers' understanding of the subject. Illustrated by John O'Brien.

Lexile Measure: 570L (What's this?)

Series: Who Was...?

Paperback: 112 pages

Publisher: Grosset & Dunlap; English Language edition (August 25, 2003)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0448431440

ISBN-13: 978-0448431444

Product Dimensions: 5.2 x 0.2 x 7.7 inches

Shipping Weight: 5 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.6 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (105 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #5,003 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #3 in Books > Children's Books > Growing Up & Facts of Life > Health > Physical Disabilities #13 in Books > Children's Books > Education & Reference > History > United States #16 in Books > Children's Books > Biographies > Historical

Age Range: 8 - 12 years

Grade Level: 3 - 7

I loved this book because it made sense. It told about Helen Keller's life and as a blind and deaf kid and adult . It also told about where she went to school and about the places she went .It told about who taught Helen how to read and write and talk! I also liked this book because it was hard to put it down when I had to go somewhere. This book also told about her little sister and how Helen got sick and turned blind and deaf and how her teacher died. This book was great! You should read it.

While I as a school librarian appreciate the popularity of the "Who Was...?" junior biography series, I find the quality uneven. Other volumes have been wonderful, but I found the Helen Keller book to be awkwardly written, including many pages where the author jumped from one aspect of Ms. Keller's life to another, with little or no transition. The author should have been aware that Helen's father was called "Captain" as a title; it is not correct to refer to him just as "Captain" as if it were his given name. If the book is truly written for up to 10-year-old children, it falls into the lower reading level end, with extremely short and choppy sentences... not a challenge for the 4th and 5th-graders who will be reading it.

Wonderful introduction to biographies for the early reader set (6-10 yrs old, depending on reading ability). It provides enough info to be useful, but not so much that the child is bogged down and loses interest. The series is fabulous.

Wow, I can hardly believe this book was published! There is no way I'm letting my child read a book that has such ridiculous errors.Here are a few examples, but by no means is it all of them.Page 50 “At the water pump. Helen held her mug under the tap.”Page 2 “She wrote several books. And she gave lectures around the world.”Page 3 “After his first wife died, and he married a woman named Kate Adams.”

As mentioned in a previous post, my daughter and I (and now hub) are addicted to the Who Was/Is? series of young reader books. This past weekend while frozen in we read Gare Thompson's Who Was Helen Keller?, illustrated by Nancy Harrison. I knew Keller was deaf and blind and that a devoted teacher, Annie Sullivan, was able, after much perseverance, to open the world to Keller. Yet, I had no idea of the numerous obstacles Sullivan and Keller conquered together until Sullivan's death in 1936 as well as the history behind schooling for deaf children. Go Gallaudet!What amazed me probably more than anything else is how, in order for Keller to be able to learn at Radcliffe, Sullivan had to spell every lecture into Keller's hand. Every lecture . . . Yet, their combined efforts prevailed, and Keller graduated from Radcliffe in 1904 with honors. What an amazing lesson to be learned by all less-than-motivated learners.HelenKellerquoteWhat amazed my eight-year-old daughter was how Keller had met every president from Cleveland to Kennedy.Not only an ideal chapter book to use in teaching students how to overcome adversity, but also ideal in discussions about interacting with people whom are different than ourselves. For in chapter 9, we learn, "The girls were friendly [at Radcliffe], but many did not know what to say or how to act around Helen" (87).Unfortunately, the English teacher within must mention the dreaded typo found on page 92, "The book also revealed Helen's wonderful imagination ad [sic] how she pictured her world." What is nice to note is that my squirt noticed the error, too, in her reading. Yesssssssssssssssss!Who Was Helen Keller? just may be a contender for my daughter's next book selection for Book Club Babes as they will be exploring the biography genre.

My just-turned-seven daughter and I read this book together. She could read most all of it, but as she is just getting used to reading paragraph books we took turns. The book is very well written for this age group, giving enough details, but moving the story along to keep young minds paying attention. Helen Keller has such an incredible story, and I'm glad that my daughter could learn of it now.I particularly liked the little one-page interjection pages that summarized side topics like Braille or Alexander Graham Bell. These made for good summaries with some more detail of the things in the story without distracting from the flow.There are quite a few black and white drawings throughout that aren't particularly good, but do a good job to help a young child visualize what they are reading. I'm looking forward to more of these "Who was/were" small biographies.

Great subject for a children book. I got this series of books for my daughter and she really enjoyes reading them. Great read and educational too.

My students are in a 5th and 6th grade gifted class and all really enjoy the entire series of "Who Was?" "Who Is?" and "What Was?" books for their AR (Accelerated Reader) goals. These series are all classified as nonfiction, with book level from 4.5-6.0 and they are worth 1 point.

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