365 Quotes Page-a-Day Notepad And 2015 Calendar
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“What the world really needs is more love and less paperwork.” ―Pearl Bailey Offering a daily quote to energize and start each morning on a high note, the 365 Quotes Page-a-Day Notepad and Calendar is the multitasking desk accessory that keeps you on the ball throughout the year with fill-in to-do lists and plenty of space for jotting down reminders, grocery lists, notes, and dreams. “Life is a great big canvas; throw all the paint on it you can” (Danny Kaye).

Calendar: 320 pages

Publisher: Workman Publishing Company; Pag edition (July 21, 2014)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0761179488

ISBN-13: 978-0761179481

Product Dimensions: 1 x 5 x 8 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.6 pounds

Average Customer Review: 4.4 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (14 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #815,936 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #38 in Books > Calendars > Quotations #24205 in Books > Religion & Spirituality > New Age & Spirituality

Please please go back to the format where there were two columns of lines on the front page with the quote at the top. This notepad in that prior format was one of the best things I have ever discovered. I continue to buy them in the current format but it is so much less useful with the enormous date taking up space that could be used for writing things. Love this pad, but REALLY loved the format of three or four years ago. I would give the old format 6 stars.

I have used the Page-A-Day notepad since 2011 for a list of "things to do" at work. The 2011, 2012, 2013 versions were an excellent tool and greatly beneficial in maintaining my sanity at work. The 2014 version was a major disappointment as the day of the month occupied an extire side of the page. This is a major waste of the page on the notepad versions. I have to write smaller and often my notes run over into the color side / date side of the page. I have continued to use the 2014 version and will probably use the 2015 version unless I can find a better tool. But I have to ask, why mess with perfection? Please offer a version similar to the pre-2014 notepad/calendar.

This is really handy for daily to-do lists. It also helps me easily recall the day of the week and the date. (getting older.. haha.. hard to remember such things!) Sometimes I fail to tear the page off for a day or two... or three... and so I just tear them all off and use the back for note paper! I would prefer a little less space devoted to the date and quote and more to the to-do list, but that is a minor complaint.

I love this calendar! It really suits my purpose to have a To Do List for everyday of the calendar along with simply designed template that has a meaningful quote everyday, I will buy again if they have it for next year.

This is my third year. 2013 was great. 2014 poor. and now 2015 poor. DO AWAY WITH GIANT DATEand make more lines for writing. Forget putting lines on the back!! Thanks.

This is my third purchase of this calendar. I LOVE quotes and this is a great notepad with lots of room to write on and I save them all as scratch paper so it gets good use. You probably will not ever find this in a store.!!!

Serves the purpose...couldn't ask for a better note pad and calendar. My wife has it on a shelf near the phone and we find it helpful and useful. Fits our needs completely.

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