Board book: 24 pages
Publisher: Workman Publishing Company; Brdbk/Psc edition (May 26, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0761159932
ISBN-13: 978-0761159933
Product Dimensions: 5.8 x 0.7 x 6.2 inches
Shipping Weight: 8.8 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.8 out of 5 stars See all reviews (82 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #27,928 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #106 in Books > Children's Books > Animals > Pigs #110 in Books > Children's Books > Arts, Music & Photography > Performing Arts #1602 in Books > Children's Books > Humor
Age Range: 4 and up
Grade Level: Preschool and up
My son loves this story and so do I! The free downloadable song that goes along with the story is awesome! Now I read it to him with the song's rhythm and he just loves it. This may be our favorite Boynton book yet!
I have 8 grandchildren and I have read Sandra Boynton books to all of them, over and over, and over. They love them and they are fun to read. Now that 2 of my granddaughters are going to be 13 this year, they have started reading there favorite Sandra Boynton books to their younger much fun for my husband & I to watch. Yesterday was Easter and the whole gang was here. When the little ones started getting tired, my husband, Grandpa, got out the Sandra Boynton books and read for over an hour to them. I looked up from the kitchen sink to see one of my granddaughters, (3 year old) acting out each page as he read. PRICELESS, I mean really, PRICELESS!!!! This author knows how to entertain children and does it so can never mistake her books for someone else's. Whenever there is a gift giving occasion for a young child, it is always these books that I will buy to give and I always get great feedback from the recipients, after they have a chance to read them to their child/children. I cannot recommend this book or any of the Sandra Boynton books highly enough.
Ba Doobah Doink Doink! Snuffle Dee Dah!!My wife often finds me singing these words to our young son, dancing around the room like a drunk duck drawing curly little tails and round noses in the air. I don't recall children's books being this much fun when I was a kid. I am sure some were, but man this one's a riot! I also downloaded the song, but honestly I prefer my own not-so-perfect off-key talk-singing version.Huge props to this author for giving me an excuse to be silly with my son (not that I really need one but I'll take what I can get). More props for the extra bits of subtle humor ("dazzletooth" dentifrice, ha!) interspersed throughout. Even more props for not making anything here more complicated than it needs to be. For those who want to read this as some kind of social commentary about acceptance, if you want to overanalyze this I'm sure you'll find a message of some sort. But that's not what this book is about. This is just pure, innocent joy and humor - no more, no less. I will always giggle when I think back on reading this book to my son as he grows up.
My toddler loves all of the Boynton board books and this one is no exception. It starts a little strangely, but we just skip those couple of pages to get into the story. The board books are pretty much indestructible as well and can be cleaned pretty easily.
Sandra Boynton has done several great children's board books. This one is a great one. There is a downloadable song that comes with the book - a nice bonus. Fun book to read then listen to the song and try to sing along.
I love Sandra Boynton's books. They are seriously hysterical. More so for parents than for the kids though. I don't know about he rest of you but how bored are you with Pat the Bunny and Babar are some of the stupidest books I have ever read. My son loves these books because they rhyme like a song. I have a serious addiction and have bought WAY too many of these books!
I enjoy reading Sandra Boynton's books to the grandkids, so I felt pretty secure in sending it to my out of town grandkids. Without hinting I managed to hit one of the girls favorite topics -- pigs!! A good time was had by all, parents and siblings alike.
I am a nanny and one of the little ones LOVES pigs right now so I purchased this as part of her first birthday present. It is a little odd and hard to 'read' because it begins as a song but she does like the pigs so all in all a win.
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