Mr. Putter & Tabby Feed The Fish
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Mr. Putter and Tabby love going to the fish store. Mr. Putter loves it because he has always liked fish. Tabby loves it because fish make her whiskers tingle and her tail twitch. So, one day Mr. Putter and Tabby decide to bring three fish home. And that's when they discover Tabby has a fish problem. . . .

Series: Mr. Putter & Tabby

Paperback: 44 pages

Publisher: HMH Books for Young Readers; 1 edition (March 1, 2002)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0152163662

ISBN-13: 978-0152163662

Product Dimensions: 6.2 x 0.2 x 8.8 inches

Shipping Weight: 4.2 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.9 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (24 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #43,535 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #78 in Books > Children's Books > Animals > Fish #87 in Books > Reference > Words, Language & Grammar > Reading Skills #176 in Books > Children's Books > Animals > Pets

Age Range: 6 - 9 years

Grade Level: 1 - 4

For last Christmas, I gave my 2 (nearly 3) year old daughter all the Mr. Putter and Tabby books available -- and I eagerly await the newest release: "Write the Book," (because I enjoy them so much myself!) My daughter had all of the books memorized by Spring. The three that make her laugh the most are "Pick the Pears," "Paint the Porch," and, of course, "Feed the Fish." While reading "Feed the Fish," she laughs as soon as we turn to the page were Tabby's pupils are shaped like goldfish silhouettes. Yesterday, I heard her reciting the part where Mr. Putter had to put a pillowcase over the fish bowl so Tabby would finally follow him to bed, although we have not read this particular book for a couple of weeks.What I love best about the Mr. Putter and Tabby books is that they are about elderly people and their elderly pets in real world situations -- with a twist of humor, of course. (This is in contrast to the many other wonderful books about children, animals, and fantasy.) I believe this series helps a child to realize that in the real world elderly people are very interesting, even when they are restricted by "cranky legs."

My daughter is a beginning reader and loves all of the Mr. Putter and Tabby books, but this one is--by far--her favorite. It is endearing, tender, and funny, too. She reads it over and over, often laughing so hard at the events and characters' expressions, that she can't even read for a moment or two. All of these Rylant series books--and this one in particular--have really been a boost to her enjoyment of reading. I'm sure they would be for any 6-8 year old.

We probably own almost all of the Mr. Putter and Tabby books. Initially I bought them for myself (if you have a cat...), but other more age-appropriate members of the household have adopted them, learned to read on them, now read novels...and still, they will not give them back!The stories are sweet and the illustrations (especially of Tabby) cannot be compared. If you love cats, or their diabolical ways, buy this for the illustrations alone; you will not be disappointed.We all hope to reach "old age" one day - I hope I have a good cat and it is this much fun!P.S. This book in particular had us shrieking on the floor with the reflections of fish in Tabby's huge eyes.

It's true, my six-year-old loves this book. The truly great thing about it, though, is that it is thoroughly entertaining for the adults reading along with her. Everyone who has ever loved a cat, regardless of their age, should read this book. It's priceless.

It was very funny to see Tabby struggle with her fish addiction. But hey, she is a cat! I love Mr. Putter and Tabby's routine, and that they are willing to try new things, not all of which are successful!

Beloved Tabby sits on Mr. Putter's shoulder where they stare at the fish in the fish store. They love it so much. It reminds Mr. Putter of having fish as a boy. It's exciting for Tabby. so Mr. Putter buys three fish and a bowl. Tabby nearly twitches her tail off on the way home. At home she just can't stop batting the bowl. Mr. Putter covers it with a pillowcase. In the morning, he finds Tabby under the pillowcase. He tries a bucket over the bowl. Read to find out how Mr. Putter finally solves Tabby's batting and twitching problem. You'll love these two and the cute and colorful illustrations of Arthur Howard.

ar level 2.2 This is a great 2nd grade reader set on up to 3rd grade, some of the books in series are at a high 2nd reading level.These books are so well written. along with Rylant's other famous series, Henry and Mudge, You can't go wrong investing in Cynthia Rylant books they are all fantastic.There is also a new series out by Rylant with Annie and Snowball a spin-off for girls from the Henry series.Also 2nd grade reading level.And she has an early reader series out with Henry and Mudge, called Puppy Mudge for 1st grade readers. At a .6 to .8 reading levelMr. Putter and Tabby books are so endearing. The begging of Chapter 4: "The bucket stayed over the fishbowl for a week. Mr. Putter tried taking it off a few times. But Tabby got all twitchy and batty and he had to put it back on. Finally Mr. Putter got tired of looking at an upside-down bucket." What will Mr. Putter do to help Tabby? Will he beable to keep the goldfish?

I have three sons aged 1, 4 and 6. All of them love the Putter books and this one especially- I think they see similarities between our cat and tabby. Contrary to other reviews, I did not have to explain the 'bat,bat,bat' thing to them- they got it right away- at least the 4 and 6 year old did. Also, they love how Zeke becomes relaxed, sooo relaxed looking at the fish. I'd recommend this series to anyone with preschool- early readers- and to parents who might get tired of reading some of the 'stories' out there without any substance for this age group.

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