Splat The Cat For President
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New York Times bestselling author-artist Rob Scotton is back with another story about Splat the Cat, and this time your favorite frazzled cat is running for office.Splat is thrilled to be elected student-body president, until he discovers not everyone likes his plans. So he thinks big. Real big. So big that pretty soon he’s making promises he cannot keep. Can Splat please everyone and also make a difference?Read about Splat’s biggest role yet in Splat the Cat for President, another sure-to-be-a-classic story by Rob Scotton.

Series: Splat the Cat

Paperback: 24 pages

Publisher: HarperFestival (July 12, 2016)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0062294334

ISBN-13: 978-0062294333

Product Dimensions: 8 x 8 inches

Shipping Weight: 4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.6 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (91 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #12,550 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #22 in Books > Children's Books > Education & Reference > Jobs & Careers #86 in Books > Children's Books > Animals > Cats #861 in Books > Children's Books > Humor

Age Range: 4 - 8 years

Grade Level: Preschool - 3

So I totally thought I could never adore a literary animal as much as I liked Russel in Scotton's Russel the Sheep, but today I met Splat, and I think Russel may have to move down a spot on my list. Splat is a really fat and frizzy black cat, heading off to his first day of cat school. As his tail "wiggled wildly with worry," Splat decides to bring his pet mouse and best friend, Seymour, to school with him. Well as you can imagine, bringing a mouse to cat school causes all sorts of mayhem. Luckily, being as small as a mouse, Seymour is able to get the door to the milk cupboard unstuck and save both his and Splat's day. For the second day of school, Splat's tail "wiggled wildly with excitement. "While the cover for Splat the Cat would have you believe that this is just an ordinary cat and mouse tale, every illustration offers something unexpected and whimsical. Whether it be the alarm clock pointed to "too early" or Splat's little mouse slippers or the cat with a cheshire grin full of braces, I found that I scanned every page multiple times to make sure I hadn't missed anything. Not to mention, Splat is drawn perfectly. Every frizzy little hair on his head indicates the worry and excitement Splat feels about the first day of school. And the best part is, Scotton reminds readers that for all our worrying, most things come out all right in the end.For additional reviews and reading suggestions, visit my site.

I work in a small independent book store and get to see all the latest children's books. Unfortunately, most of the 'newer' authors leave me cold. Not so with Rob's wonderful characters and illustrations. He makes me laugh out loud (I'm 61) so I have to say his books will appeal to and entertain children and adults (which helps when your child asks you to read the book for the 48th time)Buy his books...all of them. They will be classics in years to come. They are a welcome addition to the growing collection of 'best of the best' children's books that await my grandchildren.

We are a couple owned by a cat, as anyone who knows cats understands. We also own a bookstore. But enough about us, Hobo says. Here's Hobo's take on "Splat the Cat":Hobo: Splat is a cute kitten. Take it from this famous and handsome cat, I recognize Splat's anxiety about the first day of school. Way to go, Splat, for hanging in there. I give you two thumbs up (I really do have thumbs!)People owned by Hobo, bookstore folks: people love this book. I just had someone buy this out of the store this morning, at full price, which is saying a lot, because hardcover books are getting soooooo expensive at full retail price. But these parents didn't even bat an eyelash, because their daughter was obviously entranced and highly amused by Splat.We have Splat on display in our store right by "Hobo Finds A Home", "A Home for Dixie", "Chosen By A Horse", "Rescuing Sprite", "Kitten's First Full Moon", Chester and "The Art of Racing in the Rain".

Splat the CatWonderful book for 1st graders. I bought this book for my sister's first grade class and they ABSOLUTELY love it. She has even had them write a "story" about Splat!

I'd really like to give this book 2 or 3 stars, but my 2 1/2 year old daughter is IN LOVE with it. I can't understand it, as the actual story is really choppy and, in my opinion, kind of poorly written. Maybe the author knows more about 2 yr olds than I do, because what he has written works for my daughter! It has been THE book she picks out before bedtime for almost two weeks now. I'm terribly tired of reading it, but at least the illustrations are entertaining. Bottom line, the book is for her not me so I'll give it 4 stars (can't bring myself to click 5)!

I love Splat the Cat. Great/Wonderful/Fun illustrations. I hope there will be a sequel. Great message.

I bought this book earlier in August for my son who is starting Kindergarten this year. I was immediately drawn to the cover illustration. My son LOVES this book! We have read Splat nearly every night for two weeks straight. The story is straightforward and easy for younger children to follow. The story jumps from one event to the other during Splat's first day of school, which may leave adults and older children longing for additional explanation. I did have to help explain to my son what it is that Splat whispers into Seymour's ear, as he didn't understand at first what happened. And also when the cats were running from the mouse ("Why are they still running? He's a small mouse"). It actually provided a great opportunity for us to talk about what was happening in the story. "Oh! Splat told Seymour to open the cupboard because he can fit under the door!" But my son was laughing with almost every page, and in the end when Splat's tail no longer wiggles with worry, but excitement, my son reads along as he has almost every page memorized. Of course I love it more because my son loves it so much. And who wouldn't want to read a story about a cat named Splat going to school!? We both enjoy the illustrations and story so much, I'm online now to purchase Russell and the Lost Treasure.

For my 4 year old, I found this book to be a little over complicated. Cause and effect aren't really her strong suit yet so the occasional jumps kind of left her confused. As much as I hate reading books to her where everything is uber spelled out, this book taught me the necessity of that which is so loathsome to read as an adult. Regardless, the book is very cute. I was a little worried about this book causing new issues once I started reading it, sometime reading about anxiety in a character can trigger it in a child (I've found), but that was really my own mistake not reading the book ahead of time to prepare myself. Not my daughter, or my own favorite book, but solid, well written, and well illustrated.

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