Paperback: 32 pages
Publisher: HMH Books for Young Readers; Reprint edition (August 26, 2002)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0618250778
ISBN-13: 978-0618250776
Product Dimensions: 9 x 0.1 x 8 inches
Shipping Weight: 4.8 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.1 out of 5 stars See all reviews (24 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #76,676 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #178 in Books > Children's Books > Early Learning > Basic Concepts > Counting #190 in Books > Children's Books > Animals > Bugs & Spiders
Age Range: 4 - 7 years
Grade Level: Preschool - 3
"A remainder of one" is a good introduction to division. Second graders enjoyed the story yet the concept of division was too advanced for them. Third graders were intrigued by the explanation of division through out the book. The ants lining up row after row, making all rows even, was a great visual tool for third graders to understand the idea of division and remainders. Overall a good book to read- it keeps the students intrigued and keeps them thinking.
We loved "One Hundred Hungry Ants", written and illustrated by the same team, but "A Remainder of One" is flawed by having language that is more advanced than the mathematical skill it is intended to teach. I would recommend it for a child who is advanced enough in language to have no problems with the meanings of words such as "former", and "infantry", and yet slow enough in math to need the lesson that 25 leaves a remainder of one when divided by 2, 3, or 4, but not 5. I spent more time explaining to my six-year-old child that the sergeant is Joe's boss, and that "former" means what he used to be but no longer is, than I spent on reading the book! The attractive block-print illustrations lack the clever jokes of those found in "One Hundred Hungry Ants", as well.
This book was an awesome resource for teaching my third graders about division! They enjoyed almost as much as I did.
I received this book from a friend who was a teacher. I love this book! It's a great story about determination & working through a problem. My kids love it as well, especially 'Smart Joe, the remainder of one." :)
I read this to my cousins, one is eight and the other is six, they both really liked the story, it's formats and pictures. However the connection to math was not as clear for them,they felt the "One Hundred Hungry Ants" was much clearer when dealing with math.
The story is great. However, the quality of the digital book is extremely poor. It seems to have been scanned at a very low resolution so nothing shows clearly.
I read this book to my seven year old nephew and he loved it. He wants me to read the book to him everytime I see him! He even asked if he could take it to school with him. I thought that the way it was worded made it enjoyable for me as much as it was for him. I'm not sure that he totally understood the idea of math in the story but hopefully when he starts working with remainders he will recall this book.Pima Community College StudentMath 146
I plan to use this book to introduce division with remainders to my students. It is a cute story, but I was a bit disappointed with the way several illustrated pages were put on one page.
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