The Boys' Book: How To Be The Best At Everything
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A spiffy guide to anything and everything a boy needs to know!How to do almost anything in one handy book.Found yourself in a sticky situation? Inside you'll learn how to escape quicksand (p. 40), build a raft (p.41), start a survival fire (p.99), or fly a helicopter (p. 11).Want to impress your friends? Now you can rip a phonebook in half (p. 35), hypnotize a chicken (p. 56), or read their minds (p. 73).Boring Saturday afternoon? Not anymore when you find out how to make a waterbomb (p. 79), a boomerang (p. 95), or a volcano (p. 88).And loads of other keen things you need to know how to do!

Lexile Measure: 1040L (What's this?)

Series: Best at Everything

Hardcover: 128 pages

Publisher: Scholastic Press; 1st Us Edition edition (September 1, 2007)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0545016282

ISBN-13: 978-0545016285

Product Dimensions: 0.8 x 5.2 x 8 inches

Shipping Weight: 7 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.6 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (77 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #72,068 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #116 in Books > Children's Books > Activities, Crafts & Games > Crafts & Hobbies #156 in Books > Children's Books > Education & Reference > Reference #256 in Books > Children's Books > Growing Up & Facts of Life > Friendship, Social Skills & School Life > Boys & Men

Age Range: 8 - 12 years

Grade Level: 3 - 7

I have mixed feelings about this book. On the one hand, it is a lot of fun, nicely illustrated, and it has a number of features that are appealing to boys (and girls).On the other hand, this book is unabashedly derivative of the funnier and more comprehensive The Big Book of Boy Stuff and the better designed The Dangerous Book for Boys. This leaves How to Be the Best at Everything running in third place for prospective book buyers.

I purchased this book after stumbling across it here on while ordering some christmas gifts for my 8 yr old son. So, after ordering a variety of typical boy toys I went ahead and ordered this book too, knowing it might be good for bedtime reading over the winter. I know it has only been 3 weeks since Christmas but I swear my son has read this book every single day since then and today proclaimed that it is the best gift he has EVER received in his life. (This coming from a kid who also got an Xbox Kinect, video games, expensive Lego sets, and a puppy for Christmas (not to mention a $200 cash gift from his Aunt). Nonetheless, he claims this book is the best present he has ever received- BY FAR! It's hard not to smile when I watch him with this book, he has an expression on his face that says I know something special, like he is carrying around a secret wealth of knowledge that he has just discovered and is confident he can master the skills he reads about. He carries this book around with him and reads and re-reads it every chance he gets, he takes it stores, restaurants, to school and even takes it to other kids houses. I'd call that a Prized Possession" and a big score for me... Mom.

Although not as comprehensive and complete as Bart King's amazing Big Book of Boy Stuff, The, this book is a good start for younger boys (and girls!) looking to impress their friends with how awesome they can be.If you've ever wondered how to fly a helicopter, or needed to know how to avoid being eaten by a bear, or planned to show your superhuman strength by ripping a phone book in half, then THE BOYS' BOOK is for you.This short guide (less than 120 pages) is filled with tips, tricks, hints, and helpful knowledge that anyone can use to make themselves look like a genius. Because, as you know, not everyone knows how to survive a volcanic eruption, freeze a finger, get an egg into a bottle, or send a message by semaphore.Optimus sum. Which, by the way, means "I am the best" in Latin.Reviewed by: Jennifer Wardrip, aka "The Genius"

My grandson is 10 years old. He said that it was the best book he'd ever read.

My 10 year old son has devoured this book. He loves everything in it, how to make waterbombs out of paper... I have to tear him away at breakfast on school days because he just wants to work on a new project suggested in the book.

A fun book - great for reluctant readers ages 8-12. I found myself unable to put it down just because I wanted to see what I could learn to do next!

I gave this book to my son for his 9th birthday. I bought it based on the review mentioning reluctant readers. My son has dyslexia and struggles to read. Yesterday, a rainy Saturday, we spent discussing the raft building and tie tying detailed in this book. To have him going through this book and marveling "Dad it tells you how to..." is worth 10 times the cover price!

My initial birthday present choices for my 11 and 9 year old brothers were video games.They have almost every system, and pretty much all the games, but only play them once in a blue moon.But then I thought, "What happens when the power goes out?" or "Long car rides?"I chose these books, ( I also bought the orange and red ones) because they're timeless, portable, and never run out of battery.Much to my surprise, my brothers carry the books with them everywhere,and have even used their own allowances to buy book marks and book covers, so they won't ruin their new books.A+ products.

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