Cut & Assemble The "Mayflower": A Full-Color Paper Model Of The Reconstruction At Plimoth Plantation (Models & Toys)
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Build your own authentic replica of the famed Pilgrim ship. Step-by-step instructions, easy-to-follow diagrams enable beginners and experienced hobbyists to assemble this magnificent 17-inch-long model. Features include fo'c'sle, main deck, half deck, rudder, masts, sails, more. Informative text.

Series: Models & Toys

Paperback: 32 pages

Publisher: Dover Publications (August 1, 1988)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0486256731

ISBN-13: 978-0486256733

Product Dimensions: 12.3 x 9.2 x 0.3 inches

Shipping Weight: 12.6 ounces

Average Customer Review: 3.1 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (8 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #1,629,237 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #25 in Books > Children's Books > Activities, Crafts & Games > Activity Books > Cut & Assemble #3649 in Books > Children's Books > Activities, Crafts & Games > Games

Age Range: 8 - 14 years

Grade Level: 3 - 8

I've assembled two mayflowers and at least 2 paper villages by AG Smith. The ships made nice table decorations for thanksgiving. They were satisfying to build but not that easy. It took about a week in one hour sessions. I found that a glue stick was the best assembly adhesive. Depending on the dwelling/ship there may be internal cutting required necessatating a razior blade or X-acto knife. I would like to see a companion set to the Mayflower in the form of Plymouth Plantation-pilgrim houses, indian longhouses, plymouth rock etc... I'd also like to see this ship kit in a waterline model vice the full hull.

After reading reviews talking about the difficulty of putting together this paper model, I nearly didn't order it. The ship requires a lot of precise cutting, some of it quite small and detailed, and I wasn't ready to trust even my 14-year-old with an Exacto blade. But I needed something to help my kids get a concrete grasp of the Mayflower and other ships of its day, so I went ahead. After all, I figured, it's not expensive, and even if the kids don't finish it, they'll at least have learned some things.They finished it. Not a professional job, mind you, but much better than I expected, all the way down (up?) to the incredibly detailed rigging and sails. The printing and color are beautiful and detailed. You'll have to ask someone more knowledgeable about ships how accurate the model is, but it more than achieved its purpose for our family.The other day, while visiting a ship museum, our 13-year-old came across a model of the Santa Maria by the same publisher and asked if we could purchase it. I guess we know HER opinion.Most impressive!

This is NOT something kids could do. And I wouldn't want to try. None of the pieces are score cut and some are so ridiculously small that it would be tedious and impossible to do well. Additionally, the (poor) instructions are incomplete.

The book was just what we expected. It provdied the necessary information and data to build a Mayflower Model using the given diagram specifications that were included with your model. We built one of own style and material using the given details from the book....Thank you

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